The CLEAN AIR TECHNOLOGY CHANGE (CATCH) project had as its main objective the design and implementation of a comprehensive tool for prediction, monitoring, control and reduction of gaseous emissions that affect air quality and energy consumption, for the efficient management of Smart Cities, their infrastructures and the protection of citizens and the environment.
In the consortium participated:
SERVIGUIDE CONSULTORIA S.L. (coordinator), BAHIA SOFTWARE, S.L., TECNOLOGÍAS PLEXUS, S.L., SISTEMAS AUDIOVISUALES ITELSIS, S.L and 4GOTAS ATMOSFERA Y OCEANO, S.L. and it also had the collaboration of the GRADIANT Technological Center and the Environmental Engineering and Bioprocesses Group of the USC.
The quality of the air we breathe is determined by the presence of certain harmful elements, such as gaseous pollutants or particles that can negatively influence the health of human beings and the environment.
The CATCH Project addressed the problem of air pollution in cities by developing a comprehensive tool that allows the prediction, monitoring, control and reduction of emissions, including greenhouse gases (GHG) and other important air quality parameters.
A comprehensive hardware-software system has been designed with the capacity to respond to four general functional needs:
• Quantification of total direct and indirect emissions: Provide real-time information on emissions and consumption associated with energy demand equipment, quantifying the impact of its activity on air quality parameters and on human health and damage to the ecosystem.
• Comprehensive surveillance of air quality: Capture data continuously, on the parameters of air quality around these infrastructures.
• Intelligent control of emissions and energy consumption: Implement control algorithms and decision-making rules that allow energy savings and the protection of the environment and people
• User service: Facilitate the value of this information, passing on to the users the evolution of the system indicators, alerts, recommendations, ... through applications (web and mobile).
CLEAN AIR TECHNOLOGY CHANGE is a system that facilitates local administrations and large corporations the need to meet the commitments derived from their environmental policy, take actions as necessary, to improve energy performance, contributing to the reduction of GHG emissions and other pollutants and demonstrate compliance in the management of their activities respecting the value ranges considered. Therefore, CLEAN AIR TECHNOLOGY CHANGE helps the evolution towards a Smart City:
• Allowing the flow of information to the population on the energy consumption of the municipal services that it has at its disposal and on the effectiveness of the management and improvement measures defined to improve energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact.
• Encouraging the inclusion in public procurement criteria of the supply of more efficient equipment and facilities than those available, in terms of consumption and compensation achieved, by having information on the specific needs required to achieve maximum efficiency .
• Incorporating energy management and the reduction of emissions in the usual practices of the development of municipal management.
• Taking advantage of the benefits of ICT and Big Data for the quality, precision, management and exploitation of data.
• Improving energy performance and directing investments with influence on energy management.
The project was co-financed by the call for grants CONECTA PEME 2016 of the Xunta de Galicia, through the Galician Innovation Agency and the ERDF fund of the European Union.