
IBT Project

Sistemas Audiovisuales Itelsis, S.L. is successfully executing the IBT project: Technological platform for the intelligent management of low-voltage electrical networks in rural areas (Itelsis Low voltage).

The project is being carried out at the Itelsis headquarters in Santiago de Compostela and seeks to develop a platform that allows intelligent monitoring and management of any low-voltage electrical network in rural/county areas. This environment will accommodate both the specific hardware that Itelsis can design for a user, as well as the integration of any field device that a user is already using.

The implications of these two premises are very important. First of all, we need to design and build a platform that allows users who want to manage their low-voltage infrastructures the necessary mechanisms to carry out this task efficiently and effectively. We also have to provide the platform with all those functionalities that allow us to include any hardware that is already installed on the user. In this way, an intelligent infrastructure will be created where we can add value to all market users without limitations of any kind.

In the project we are developing a platform that converts traditional Low Voltage networks into smart networks through digitization, sensorization, telemanagement, distributed generation, energy balance and real-time control of the system.

It is a very innovative product/service with the intensive incorporation of essential technologies in its Back End, which will improve the quality of service of BT networks as well as reduce operating costs (OPEX) by incorporating the ability to being able to act remotely and automatisms to resolve incidents.

The total project budget amounts to €693,325 and the development period is 2 years, starting on January 1, 2021 and ending on December 31, 2022.

The development of the project is co-financed by  the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) with the aim of promoting technological development, innovation and quality research.

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